Custom Branded & Promotional Kids Jackets

There’s no better way to keep the kids safe and protected against the winter fever and germs lurking about than with a cosy kids’ jacket. A winter favourite ideal for ...
There’s no better way to keep the kids safe and protected against the winter fever and germs lurking about than with a cosy kids’ jacket. A winter favourite ideal for summer use as well, locking in the warmth on those cold, rainy days and providing just the right amount of warmth on a chilly summers’ evening.

Custom kids’ jackets are the perfect completion to a school uniform or as an item used to represent a sports team. With a range of styles from the hooded kind to the puffy or simplistic hoody for both boys and girls to choose from and options available in various fabrics from fleece to polyester, kids jackets are more than just your average buy.

A jacket can be customized to ones’ desired preference, whether you’re into simplistic designs and prefer an elegant embroidered design or a more eccentric design achieved by means of direct to garment printing.

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