Top 5 Reasons Why Branded Corporate Gifts Are An Essential Element Of Any Marketing Strategy

Aug 03, 2020 14:29

Branded corporate gifts act as a powerful tool in creating brand awareness, expanding a business’ network and enhancing the relationship between the company and the client. A simple pen branded with a company’s name and logo goes a long way in terms of promotion - often even further than one conceptualises. A coworker lends you a branded pen, a jogger passes you by wearing a branded t-shirt. A branded item propagates a business’ message far and wide, long after it was initially paid for as a marketing strategy. An excellent strategy for keeping a business’ name at the back of a potential client’s mind is by distributing branded promotional gifts. As with all marketing strategies, the upfront cost may be rather intimidating at first. However, the rewards in terms of promotion and traffic to that business will most likely far outweigh the cost. Listed below are the top five reasons why investing in branded corporate and promotional gifts as a marketing strategy, is an essential element in promoting any company. 1. Build and maintain healthy relationships The distribution of branded promotional gifts can actively contribute towards building and maintaining healthy relationships with existing and potential clients, employees and distributors. Most people enjoy receiving gifts, especially those gifts which can be of practical use. Giving out free gifts branded with a company name and logo is an efficient way of keeping people happy and engaged with a brand. 2. Building brand awareness Distributing branded corporate gifts and items results in a company’s name and logo sticking to the back of people’s minds. As a result of more people being cognisant of a company’s name and logo, its brand awareness increases. People are most often more likely to buy a product or service from a business that they have heard of, as opposed to one they are unfamiliar with. Increasing awareness of a brand or business means that more potential clients are likely to invest in that brand, which results in increased traffic to the business. 3. Save on marketing costs When comparing branded promotional gifts with other conventional marketing strategies, such as online or magazine advertisements, most often the cost per impression is cheaper when opting for corporate gifts. A typical online or magazine advertisement will reach a potential client once or twice. A corporate gift, however, will make a marketing impression on a potential client each time they make use of the gift. One branded item may even make an impression on more than one person, through lending or re-gifting. If a company invests in a gift that the potential client will often make use of, the impression it makes is far greater. Branded corporate gifting may, therefore, make a greater impression in terms of advertising - at a smaller cost. 4. Build a network of clients and potential clients By distributing branded promotional gifts, a business is creating direct interaction with existing and potential clients. People generally respond well to free gifts, particularly those gifts which are useful to them. Clients generally view companies in a positive light when those companies engage in acts of goodwill and generosity. By putting thought and care into the types of gifts it chooses to brand, a company is directly contributing towards reaching as many potential clients as possible through an act of generosity, thereby expanding its network. 5. Improve employee satisfaction Branded corporate gifts are not only directed at existing and potential clients. They can also be distributed amongst a company’s employees. If thought and care are put into branding specific items that employees find pleasing and useful, this will certainly improve their morale and happiness. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers. When employees are excited and enthusiastic about their job and employer, they are more likely to provide a client with excellent service. Where can I source corporate branded gifts? When searching for corporate gifts to brand with your company’s name and logo, it goes without saying that quality and efficient service are of utmost importance. At Brandability, we take pride in providing our clients with excellent service, fast turnaround time and top quality products. Whether you are looking to brand company jackets, gadgets or stationery, rest assured that Brandability is ready to take your brand’s marketing to the next level.
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